It’s Time To Pray

Psalm 119:170 – “May my supplication come before you; deliver me according to your promise.”

How is your prayer life? If you are like most people, you may be tempted to say, “What prayer life?” Oh sure, we pray when we want something, or when we are desperate, but are we people of prayer?

When we pray, we share our heart with God. And, David shows us in this verse that our requests actually come before God. It’s been talked about before in this Psalm, but it’s worth noting again. You and I have access to the throne room of heaven. We have access to God, Creator and Sustainer of life. And God loves it when we spend time with Him.

As you prepare for the weekend, why not consider spending an extended amount of time in prayer this weekend? Have a major decision on the horizon? Spend time in prayer. Miss your time with God lately? Spend time in prayer. Not sure if God is there? Spend time in prayer. Tell God how you feel. He wants to spend time with you, and that time might just change you forever.

Dear God,

David prays throughout this Psalm. He continually tells you that he needs You to deliver Him. We need Your deliverance too. Help us to trust You. Help us to make time to pray. Help us to see that You are there, and that You answer prayer.

In Jesus’ name,


The Extravagant Love Of A Teenage Boy

Psalm 119:169 – “May my cry come before you, O LORD; give me understanding according to your word.”

I read an article in BGC World recently. It’s the denominational magazine for the Baptist General Conference. The article was written by a pastor named Dan Schaeffer, and was about something that his teenage son did. The 17-year-old boy loved guitars. He dreamt about purchasing an expensive electric guitar that cost well over $1000. After saving his funds for over a year, the boy and his father purchased the guitar.

Some time later, the boy asked if he called talk to his dad. He took his dad aside and said that while he was praying a few days earlier he sensed God asking Him, “Andrew, how much do you love me?” Then he added, “Dad, I took the guitar and smashed it to pieces. I threw it in the trash a few days ago.”

His dad was floored. He said something about not understanding whey his son would do such a thing. And then his son gave him a look that told Dan that he just didn’t get it.

Later on Dan would think about the biblical account of Mary’s extravagant love for Jesus with the alabastar jar filled with perfume that cost over a year’s wages. She showed Christ love by breaking that jar and annointing Jesus with the perfume. Jesus disciples were indignant. They didn’t get it. Jesus praised her (See John 12:1-7 for the complete story).

When I read today’s verse, I thought about how Mary in the Bible, and Andrew in Dan Schaeffer’s story understood God. They understood God’s desire to be shown extravagant love. When is the last time you showed Him extravagant love?

I love the way that Schaeffer finished his story. He wrote, “I’m tired of being reasonable and restrained – that I can witness an act of extravagant love towards Jesus and instantly think ‘waste.’ It’s time to be extravagant. With Christ it’s exactly what’s called for.”

Let’s be extravagant people!

Dear God,

Thank You for demonstating to us what extravagance is. You showed us how to be extravagant when you gave us Your Son. Give us understanding on how to love You.

In Jesus’ name,


Love Story

Psalm 119:168 – “I obey your precepts and your statutes, for all my ways are known to you.”

I love my wife. She is my best friend, and my closest confidant. We’ve been married for 16 years, and dated for three years before we were married. So, our lives have been intertwined for almost 20 years. There are times that I see my wife and I know exactly what she is thinking. There are times that she can tell you what I am going to say before the words are out of my mouth. We know each other so well. And, I love that about our relationship.

As much as I know Cyndi, God knows her better. There is not a thing about my wife that is a mystery to God. And that fascinates me. I love that God knows me better than I know myself. That thought also terrifies me. It terrifies me to think that I am so known and so loved by the God of the universe. It makes me want to keep the first part of Psalm 119:168 true in my life. His knowledge of me, and His love for me despite that knowledge, makes me want to obey Him all the more. Take some time today to praise God for His incredible love.

Dear God,

Thank You for Your tender love. You show us love even when we don’t deserve it. You know all there is to know about us, and You choose to love us. You are so good, and we praise You for your love.

In Jesus’ name,


The Law Has Changed Me

Psalm 119:167 – “I obey your statutes, for I love them greatly.”

It’s hard to believe that by the end of next week I’ll be done with this 176 day journey through Psalm 119. As I reach the end there are days that I find myself wanting to just be done with this chapter. After all, how many days can one spend immersing one’s self with readings and musings on God’s law? I also find myself longing more of God. I want more than just the law. I want more than one Psalm. I want the Gospels. I want the stories. I want the prophets. I want . . . I want . . . I want, the Word.

And, that’s when it hits me. The past 167 days have taught me a discipline for the Word. They’ve also whet my appetite for the rest of the Word. I find that I love the Word of God more than ever. I find that I want to obey God, because I am learning how to love Him more. And, I find that I’m changed. The sins I used to desire are less desirable. The way that I spend my time is different. I have prioritized God, and it’s changing me. And, as tough as it is to continually read about the law of God, I will forever be grateful for it. For, it has changed me.

Dear God,

Your law is beautiful. Your words change lives. Thank You for changing me. Help me to keep desiring more of You and less of the world.

In Jesus’ name,


Super Bowl Salvation

Psalm 119:166 – “I wait for your salvation, O LORD, and I follow your commands.”

This evening I spent the Super Bowl with 100+ senior highers in Wooddale’s Hillside Rooms. We watched the game and at halftime watched LaDainian Tomlinson talk about his faith in Jesus Christ. It was a pre-recorded video that Sports Spectrum Magazine produced. They do this every year. They call their program Power To Win. This is fourth year in a row that we have done this outreach. And tonight, for the fourth year in a row, there were students who asked Jesus Christ to become their Lord and Savior at the end of the video. What an awesome night.

I was rooting for the Giants. I’m excited that they won. But, no victory on the football field could compare to the victory that took place in the lives of the students who asked Jesus Christ to be their Savior tonight! God moved. As a youth pastor I can relate with David’s words in Psalm 119:166. Like David, I wait for God’s salvation. Every year I pray that students will give their life to Christ on Super Bowl Sunday. Sure, David was probably praying for God’s salvation from a situation that he was in, but the salvation that I talk about is no less significant. David lived pre-Christ’s death on the cross. He had a faith that one day Messiah would come, but we have confidence that He has come, and He has come to give life and give it to the full.

Please pray for those students who made committments to Jesus tonight! These are the nights that make me love youth ministry. I missed the second half of the game. I was meeting with some students dealing with some pretty significant issues. Please pray for the students that were at the Super Bowl Party tonight, but are not ready to allow Christ to be Lord of their life. They are still waiting for God’s salvation. My prayer is that they find it soon.

Dear God,

We rejoice, with You and the angels at those students who came to faith in You tonight. Guard the hearts and minds of these students and let them experience Your abundant life. Draw the hearts of those who don’t know You to You.

In Jesus’ name,


The Secret to Great Peace

Psalm 119:165 – “Great peace have they who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble.”

This verse may very well be one of the most powerful verses in the entire Bible. The teaching is revolutionary. It frees the anxious and gives direction to those who need it. It contains the secret to the elusive quality of peace. David tells us that if we want peace, we need to love the law of the Lord.

David’s statement in this verse is declarative. Those who love God’s law not only have peace, but they have it in abudndance! Want great peace? Live the way that God has called you to live.

There is a second part that I love in this verse. It’s the promise in the end that those who truly love the law of God will never stumble. What a beautiful promise! How would you like to go through your life without stumbling? I think we all would. But, that kind of walk comes with a price, and the price is loving the law of God.

I hope you’ll take time today to consider these great promises. God is so good. His law is good. He is worth giving our all to. Let Him have you.

Dear God,

We want to love Your law. We want to love Your Word. Help us to know how to love You more. Help us to follow You no matter what the world throws our way.

In Jesus’ name,


God Awareness

Psalm 119:164 – “Seven times a day I praise you for your righteous laws.”

One of the things that I love about David is that he walked through his life with a God awareness. He knew that he couldn’t make it through his day without God. And, he knew that God wanted his praise. How do you praise God as you walk through your day?

I know some people who praise God by contiually praying throughout the day. When they drive, they turn off the radio and pray. When they walk, they pray. When they hear about somebody going through a tough time, they pray.

I know other people who praise God with song. When they drive, they turn the radio up and sing. When they walk, they sing. When they write, they write lyrics to songs and then sing those songs with hearts of praise.

I know some people who praise God with art. When they drive, they look at what God has created and dream about what that will look like on the canvas . When they walk, they walk with notebook in hand, ready to stop at a moments notice to sketch what it is that God has created. When they hear about someone going through a tough time, they create a drama that tells the person’s story yet gives hope of God’s work in the person’s life.

I know some people who praise God by using their spiritual gifts to honor Him. They are always looking for how they can exercise the gift to be a blessing in someone else’s life and to draw the person closer to the Kingdom of Heaven.

As you go through your day today, be aware. God is near. Praise Him, throughout your day! He is good, and His love endures forever.

Dear God,

We praise You because You were not made, but have always existed. You are the creator and sustainer of life. You are our all in all. You are our strength and our shiled. You are our ever present hope. We love You. Thank You for loving us.

In Jesus’ name,


To Tell The Truth

Psalm 119:163 – “I hate and abhor falsehood but I love your law.”

Tomorrow morning I’ll be speaking at the chapel service for the junior high where my son goes to school. I’ve been asked to speak about honesty. One of the illustrations that I’ll use is the story of Pete Rose. Pete Rose was my favorite baseball player as I grew up. He is the owner of baseball’s all time hits leader record. I’ll never forget the night that Rose broke Ty Cobb’s record. I was a teenager, and Rose was my hero. That winter I had the chance to meet Pete Rose. I asked him to autograph a baseball card and a baseball for me. He did and I own the ball and card to this day.

A few years later, Pete Rose was banned for life from the game that he loved. He would be told that he could never play Major League Baseball, manage a team, coach, or be elected to the Hall of Fame. Why? Because he was said to have bet on Major League games. The rumors swirled that he had bet against his own team while he was the manager. Rose denied betting. He denied and denied and denied. For years Rose maintained his innocense. He was a victim of circumstance. He lied.

Rose would later admit to betting. He was hoping that his admission of guilt would pave the way for him to be reinstated into the game. But, the game is not very forgiving to those who are involved in making decisions in a game, and then betting on that game. Rose displayed falsehood. I was crushed when Rose was caught cheating. And, I was apalled, because I thought that he was above that. “I’m certainly above that,” I thought.

Years later I was involved in a couples Bible Study with my wife. I was serving at a church in Illinois, and we were talking about the need for openess and honesty in a marriage. I had become a pro at telling my wife that I’d leave for home right after work. 5:00 would come, and I’d continue working. 5:15? I was working. 5:30? Too often times working. I learned in that Bible Study that I was a liar. I was telling my wife one thing, with no intention of actually following through with what I told her that I would do. God hates that. It’s falsehood. It’s a lie. And, I, like my former hero, Pete Rose, was a liar.

How are you doing in the area of truth telling? Are you living your life in a way that glorfies God? Are you reflecting His truth to those around you? If not, let today be the day that you start telling the truth. After all, the truth will set you free.

Dear God,

Thank You that there is no falsehood in You. Help us to reflect Your truth. May our character be such that You are pleased.

In Jesus’ name,
