Questions for the New Year

The long running soap opera Days of Our Lives begins with these words, “Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.” It’s that time of year again. In just two days, 2005 comes to a close, and 2006 begins. It hardly seems possible that another year has come and gone. The sands in that hourglass are precious, and I want to begin the New Year with a resolution to live 2006 more proactively, with more purpose, passion, conviction, and risk than ever before.

What did you do in 2005? Do you remember the resolutions that you made at the beginning of the year? Did you keep them? Are you proud of what you accomplished? What will you remember most about 2005? What will you wish that you could forget? Who did you meet? Who did you reestablish a relationship with? Who did you help? Who impacted you? Who did you impact? Who changed you? Who did you change? What did you learn about God? How did He surprise you? How did you delight Him? Where is your life going as you begin 2006? How is that different than where you were last year? How has your family changed? How much time did you spend with them? How was that time spent/ How would you like that to look different next year? How did you spend your time this year? What brings you the most joy? What brings your family the most joy?

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven:”

Ecclesiastes 3:1